ACA 119 2

  • ACA 119 2
  • ACA 119 2
  • ACA 119 2
  • ACA 119 2
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Mexican-American versus Mexican American. All Real topless competitive wrestling. Tiny Maya Marquez at 5' 0" and 98 pounds of tattooed hellcat takes on super-model sexy Hispanic Kika Hernandez in this multi-fall match. Beautiful Kika is 5' 4" and 120 pounds. There is real intense competitive spirit on between these two Hispanic wrestlers. They work at the same club and have a common group of friends, so all their peers and all their friends pushed them into this match with side bets and rather pointed taunting. Neither wants to go to work and tell everyone (customers, co-workers, and friends) that the other whipped her ass! As always, one wrestler eventually proves herself better with a finding neck crank, but it takes more than 50 minutes of combat to settle the issue. The humbled but happy loser volunteers to "buy the drinks". 100% EVERY FRAME IS REAL TOPLESS SUBMISSION WRESTLING!